玻璃非球面加工:how to translate this sentence into Chinese? thanks.

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/09 04:34:12
Few tasks are more daunting than standing in
the path of a charging theoretial physicist
who in hell-bent on getting funding for the next particle accelerator.

Few tasks are more daunting than standing in the path of a charging theoretical physicist
who in hell-bent on getting funding for the next particle accelerator.

世界上也许没有多少事情会比妨碍一个 正在固执地为他下一个微粒加速器争取资金的 电荷理论物理学家 更加使人沮丧了。

这句话想表达的意思是 物理学家的意志十分坚定,他们需要更多的资金。
